Returns Policy

If for some reason you wish to return a product, please contact us within 10 working days of receiving your order at [email protected] stating the reason for return.

Cancelling Your Order
You may cancel your order by notifying us in writing at any time up to 10 days after your products have been delivered. The notification should state your order number and reason for cancellation. If you cancel your order after we have dispatched the products then you must return the products to us in a securely wrapped parcel to 65 Mayeston Square, Mayeston Hall, Dublin 11, Ireland. The products should be returned in good condition and unopened. We recommend the use of a recorded delivery service. You can no longer cancel your order once you have opened the product containers or used the products. However your statutory rights regarding quality will remain unaffected.

Three Hills Soap will refund the purchase price to the payment card used at the time of purchase once the goods are returned. Postage costs will be refunded in full in the case of incorrect or damaged orders but not where you have elected to return goods for any other reason. Nothing under these terms and conditions affects your statutory rights.