Palm Oil-Free Soap Benefits: Why Choosing Eco-Friendly Soap Matters

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Choosing palm oil-free soap has many benefits for your skin and the environment. As awareness grows about the environmental impact of palm oil production, many consumers are switching to alternatives that don’t contribute to deforestation or habitat destruction. In this article, we’ll break down the main benefits of palm oil-free soap, explain why palm oil can harm the environment, and tackle common questions like “Is palm oil bad for you?” and “Why should I choose palm oil-free soap?” This will help you understand how your soap choice impacts both your skin and the planet.

Plastic free travel soap case with a soap inside

Why is Palm Oil Used in Soap?

Palm oil is widely used in soap making because it’s a cheap, versatile ingredient. It creates a hard bar of soap and helps generate a rich lather. However, the downside is the environmental damage caused by palm oil farming, mainly deforestation and loss of biodiversity in regions like Southeast Asia.

Is Palm Oil Bad for You?

From a skincare perspective, palm oil isn’t necessarily harmful. It contains vitamins and antioxidants that can benefit the skin. However, the problem lies in its environmental cost. The mass production of palm oil contributes to deforestation, displacement of indigenous communities, and loss of animal habitats, particularly for endangered species like orangutans.

So, while palm oil itself may not directly harm your skin, its environmental consequences make it an unsustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Palm Oil-Free Soap Benefits

Choosing palm oil-free soap comes with several benefits that go beyond skin health:

  • Environmentally friendly: Palm oil-free soaps don’t contribute to deforestation or habitat loss. Instead, they use eco-friendly alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, or shea butter.
  • Sustainable ingredients: These soaps often use sustainably sourced oils that protect the environment and local farming communities.
  • Gentle on skin: Many palm oil-free soaps contain nourishing ingredients like shea butter or almond oil, which provide extra hydration and are gentle on sensitive skin.

Why Should You Use Palm Oil-Free Soap?

People choose palm oil-free soaps for a variety of reasons:

  1. Environmental concerns: The ecological impact of palm oil production is severe, and choosing an alternative helps reduce your ecological footprint.
  2. Ethical reasons: Many consumers opt for palm oil-free soaps to avoid supporting industries that harm local communities and wildlife habitats.
  3. Healthier ingredients: Palm oil-free soaps often contain more natural and organic ingredients, which are better for sensitive or allergy-prone skin.

Common Questions About Palm Oil-Free Soap

Why is palm oil harmful?
Palm oil farming leads to large-scale deforestation and habitat destruction, contributing to climate change and the endangerment of species.

How do you know if soap contains palm oil?
Look for ingredients like “palm oil,” “palm kernel oil,” or derivatives such as “sodium palmate.” Palm oil-free soaps will clearly state their absence of palm oil.

When should you use palm oil-free soap?
You should consider using palm oil-free soap if you are concerned about the environment, want ethically sourced ingredients, or have sensitive skin that reacts better to natural oils like olive or coconut oil.

Palm Oil Alternatives in Soap Making

When creating palm oil-free soap, many artisans turn to alternative ingredients that are not only sustainable but also beneficial for the skin:

  • Olive oil: A natural moisturiser that helps soften and hydrate the skin without clogging pores.
  • Coconut oil: Known for its antibacterial properties, it also helps create a rich lather in soaps.
  • Shea butter: Packed with vitamins and fatty acids, shea butter provides deep moisture and nourishment for dry or sensitive skin.

These ingredients offer similar benefits to palm oil but have no negative environmental impact, making them ideal for palm oil-free soap formulations.

How to Choose Palm Oil-Free Soap

Look for soap that explicitly states it’s palm oil-free and focuses on eco-friendly ingredients like olive oil, coconut oil, or shea butter. These alternatives are both nourishing for your skin and better for the environment.


The benefits of palm oil-free soap extend beyond personal skincare; they impact the environment, ethics, and sustainability. If you want to reduce your environmental footprint and make a positive change, switching to palm oil-free soap is an excellent step. At Three Hills Soap, we make palm oil-free soap bars using eco-friendly and sustainable ingredients. Explore our collection of natural handmade soaps and enjoy healthier skin while supporting a more sustainable world.

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